About Me

Hi there, thank you for visiting my website!

Life feels a whole lot better when you are fit and healthy

During my childhood years I suffered from gut problems and didn’t realise that my bowel movements were not normal for a long period of time. I was prescribed a lot of antibiotics due to repetitive recurring ear infections and this continued well into my teens. Just like most teenagers I experimented with alcohol but unlike other teenagers I was unable to brush off the effects of alcohol. Needless to say my bowel symptoms worsened and I went to see multiple doctors.

Diagnosed as having irritable bowel syndrome, I was prescribed Omeprazole but this did nothing but further aggravate my symptoms. Repeat doctoral visits achieved nothing and I resided into thinking there was nothing I could do about my condition.

Although I had the condition, I have always been very fit and into sport. I competed Nationally in running for several years and through my love of fitness decided to become a personal trainer in 2013. I have always been very interested in the body, personal health and nutrition but it wasn’t until I started studying courses that this passion intensified. The reason my passion for learning intensified is I could relate to the teachings in relation to gut and intestinal problems, then apply those learnings to my own symptoms.

I became my own personal test case study! As I started to see my personal symptoms get better and better through applied learning and testing the new groundbreaking works of Professors like Tom O’Brien my life has improved immeasurably. For the last 2 years I’ve made it my mission to keep learning and  help others who suffer from similar conditions. Nothing makes me happier than to see others stop suffering and know that I have helped.

After having constipation from 3 months old my little boy has struggled with his tummy and the process of going to the toilet for 4 years. As a baby I would try and help him push his legs up and give him warm water, he would just cry in pain! Several back and forth to the doctors, changing milks, bottles and tactics but 4 years later and my boy is sat on the toilet in the worst state I had seen him to date!

To be direct and honest it was like he was trying to give birth. A switch went in my head "I have had enough"

I had met olivia in the gym over time and as the friendliest face there, not able to walk through the gym without constant hello's and kisses off every member in her path I knew she was well respected and kind! When I spoke to Olivia I found her to be a spilling fountain of knowledge and desire to help others!

I then attended a talk Olivia hosted on gut health and it clicked that this is what I needed to help my son, so the day he was crying in agony on the toilet I immediately text Olivia to book a session to learn more in order to help my boy - she rang me in minutes!!! Take him to A&E she said (his stool was visibly lodged, solid and I didn't know what to do)

I was not prepared for my little boy to end up in that situation again!

Olivia knew the formula to help him, giving meal plans, recipes, advice on foods to add and avoid, supplement advice and tremendous support in which I had not anticipated!

From that day my son has not been constipated once and I never thought we would get there!

Thank you Olivia ?

Jenine & Pierre

Jenine & Pierre

For me personally, a healthy way of living was a mysterious and unrealistic theory that I was never in a mood to explore. No, with your help and guidance I am to start a new life!

Linda JonesPhotographer

I went to see Olivia on the recommendation of a friend last Autumn 2017 as at that time I was desperate to get some help for my IBS symptoms. I had been experiencing severe stomach cramps which lasted several days and made me feel very ill. I had lost a stone in weight and even had to abandon a holiday in the US as I felt so ill. I had pursued the medical route for over a year and was eventually referred to a gastroenterologist who diagnosed SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and prescribed antibiotics to hopefully cure it. Despite trying two different antibiotics the symptoms recurred and so I felt I had reached the end of the road in terms of a cure. At that point, I arranged to meet Olivia. Immediately I felt I had met someone who understood how I felt and she was so positive and enthusiastic it lifted my mood and gave me the confidence to think that if followed a new dietary regime it would resolve the problem. We discussed diet and life style and for the next few weeks I took various supplements and followed a gluten free diet. It was hard to give up bread, cakes etc. but anything was worth it to get my gut back to normal. Olivia is so committed to what she does and so thorough in analysing your diet etc .and is always happy to be contacted if you have a query between appointments. It is now about 4 months on and I feel great. I expect the odd blip if I'm not careful about what I eat but the difference is because I know what is happening to my gut I have the confidence to know I can get back on course.
A huge thank you Olivia for all your help, enthusiasm and support. I wouldn't feel as good as I do if it wasn't for you.
Kay Sutton

Partick MillsMarketer

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07795 955 550