I am writing this testimonial on behalf of my wife Miri Monath.
Miri was diagnosed with Huntington’s chorea in August 2013 and is unable to write this herself.
Huntington’s chorea is a progressive brain disorder that causes uncontrolled movements, emotional problems, and loss of thinking ability. There is no cure at present and the only treatment available is to attempt to alleviate the symptoms.
One of the ways to slow down the deterioration is through exercise, specifically concentrating on balance and core strength.
Since Olivia came into our lives in November 2013, Miri’s progress has been nothing short of astounding. At first Miri proved to be a very difficult client; she was in a bad place. She was hardly motivated and would sometimes flare up at Olivia. Olivia took it all in her stride, never rising to the bait and never taking offence. Her caring, compassionate nature, coupled with her constant encouragement, completely disarmed Miri. She patiently worked with Miri and as Miri saw the results that Olivia promised, she developed a strong bond with her.
Miri had always struggled with her weight. Despite her initial reluctance to adhere to any healthy eating plan, Olivia succeeded, through her kindness and persistence, in persuading her to give it a go. She did this and has now lost well over two stones.
Miri is an unrecognisable person from when she first started training with Olivia. Her core strength and balance are vastly improved. For the first time in over twenty years, her weight is down considerably. She is much happier in herself and more positive about the future. Her energy levels have also increased and she is surprised herself at what she has achieved. Recently, she walked 5km at the Sale Water Park event and Olivia has now entered her into the 10km walk in Heaton Park in July. None of this would have been remotely possible without Olivia.
Miri (and all her friends) are convinced that she is an angel sent from heaven!
Olivia’s professionalism, commitment and personality are second to none. Her ability to understand, appreciate and empathise with the very different needs of some of her clients and to adapt her knowledge to suit, makes Olivia a true Life Coach.
I believe that in taking on Miri, Olivia has stepped outside her comfort zone and has gone well beyond her call of duty.